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  • Opening in Abidjan of a workshop on policies and regulations in the cashew sector in West Africa 01/23/2023

    Jan 23rd, 2023

    A regional workshop for the restitution of studies on policies and regulations in the cashew sector in West Africa opened on Thursday, January 19, 2023, in Abidjan, at the initiative of USDA West Africa Pro -Cashew in collaboration with the International Cashew Consultative Council (CICC) and the African Cashew Alliance (ACA). On behalf of the Ivorian Minister of State, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Dr Adama Coulibaly, expressed the pride of Côte d'Ivoire to host this meeting, which brings together the major players in the cashew sector. in Africa. “We have faith that at the end of these two days of discussion on the results of these studies, we will have solid scientific references capable of guiding us in our decision-making,” he added. This two-day regional workshop will allow industry participants from the countries covered by the studies to discuss the results obtained and share their experiences on the topics to be addressed and which relate to the effectiveness of policies and regulations in the cashew sector in the Benin, Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana and Nigeria over the past fifteen years. "The CICC is very grateful to the USDA West Africa Pro-Cashew project and all its partners, in particular the USDA, for the support given to the realization of the two major studies, the results of which will be the subject of exchanges during these two days of work, as well as the facilitation of the participation of the key players invited to this regional meeting", underlined the executive secretary of the CICC, André Tandjiekpon. As for the president of African Cashew Alliance, Babatola Faseru, he thanked all the actors of the sector for this great initiative which will certainly allow the cashew sector to have recent and reliable data. The head of the Pro-Cashew Project, Jean-François Guay, Chief of Party, welcomed the completion of the studies initiated as part of the activities of the project he is leading, while recalling that a total of four studies are planned as part of this process.
