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  • Cash Marketing Through Tmx More Positive Results

    Nov 9th, 2024

    <p>The sales of cashewnuts through the Tanzania Mercantile Exchange (TMX), a system that manages digital auctions with the aim of increasing market certainty, freedom to determine prices, certainty of payment as well as stimulating competition for farmers&rsquo; crops in the country to bring more results positive for the farmers of Lindi Mwambao Cooperative Union.</p> <p>In the auction held in the village of Ng&rsquo;apa in Lindi region, the farmers have sold their cashewnuts at a high price of Tsh 3070/= and a low price of Tsh 2830/=. Second grade cashewnuts have been sold at a high price of Tsh 2550/= and a low price of Tsh 2510/= for a total of 3,000 tons of cashew nuts.</p> <p>The Tanzania Mercantile Exchange (TMX) is the first commodity exchange market in Tanzania. The commodity exchange is established as a platform where farmers, traders, exporters and other various market actors are able to access domestic and global market and obtain a fair price in selling or buying of commodities.</p>
