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  • Ivory Coast: World Bank and IMF parliamentarians visit the Cashew Innovation and Technology Center

    Jun 28th, 2024

    <p>The network of parliamentarians from the World Bank Group and the IMF visited the Cashew Innovation and Technologies Center (CITA) on June 26, 2024, in Yamoussoukro.</p> <p>The objective for Marlene Forte, head of delegation of the Network of Parliamentarians of the World Bank and the IMF, also Minister of Legal and Constitutional Affairs of Jamaica, is to get a first-hand look at the projects financed by the World Bank through the International Development Association (IDA).</p> <p>This project shows, according to Marlene Forte, the competitiveness of the cashew value chain. &quot;The project is valued at $200 million in terms of financing allocated by the World Bank,&quot; she said.</p> <p>According to the diplomat, CITA is a factory with very high standards. She cites as proof the quality of infrastructure, food hygiene and human resources, made up mainly of women.</p> <p>The highlight of this visit was the incubator for the development of cashew nut derivatives, the Cajou Foodtech of CITA which is fully operational according to the head of delegation.</p> <p>Alongside the network of parliamentarians during this visit, the Director General of the Cotton and Cashew Council, Dr Adama Coulibaly said that for this project, he placed a particular emphasis on food safety, an important lever in the marketing of fines. internationally.</p> <p>&ldquo;What we remember is that they are extremely satisfied, particularly with the sanitary conditions. (&hellip;) we actually emphasize this aspect of health safety. So that our fines go to all markets and are popularized thanks to the good taste, but also health, quality,&rdquo; said the Ivorian cashew nut boss.</p> <p>The CEO of the Cotton and Cashew Council indicated that this visit was also an opportunity to show the delegation the training center which is integrated into the factory. The network of parliamentarians was also able to see the second level of transformation incubator. This center, he says, is intended not only to train all artisans and to standardize everything that will be on the market.</p> <p>With a processing capacity of 6,000 tonnes per year, the Cashew Innovation and Technology Center employs more than 380 people, 70% of whom are women.</p>
