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  • A drop of more than 50% in 2024 in cashew nut production in the Sandégué department

    Jun 17th, 2024

    <p>the representative of the Cashew Cotton Council, Zadi Gnangui Bertrand noted that the production of cashew nuts for this 2024 campaign in the department of Sand&eacute;gu&eacute; fell to 2986, 248T, a loss of more than 50â„… compared to last year which was estimated at 6993T</p> <p>Mr. Zadi made this declaration during the mid-term review meeting of the Monitoring Committee for monitoring the marketing of cashew nuts, Friday June 14, 2024 at the meeting room of the Sand&eacute;gu&eacute; prefecture.</p> <p>For the representative, this drop is largely due to climatic hazards, other factors such as the flight of production from the department of Sand&eacute;gu&eacute; to neighboring departments such as Tanda, Koun-Fao and Nassian.</p> <p>It is also necessary to note the disinterestedness of the planters due to the drop in the selling price which went from 315 F CFA to 275 F CFA.</p> <p>For the producer representative, Kamagate Touah&eacute;r&eacute;, the late launch of the campaign and the price also explain this drop.</p> <p>&ldquo;The cashew nut harvest begins in the month of December 2023 without a fixed price. The campaign was launched in February 2024,&rdquo; he said, hoping for the upcoming campaign that the launch would be carried out early and that the purchase price is revised upwards.</p> <p>The prefect of Sand&eacute;gu&eacute;, Gbey Gu&eacute; Antoine, encouraged the committee to get more involved in the smooth running of the sector in the department.</p>
