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  • Annual Food Industry Convention in Morocco: DR Adama Coulibaly distinguished for “his leadership”

    May 7th, 2024

    <p>The American Food Industry Association (AFI), a structure specializing in food safety for product access to American markets, organized its Annual Convention from May 2 to 5, 2024 in Marrakech (Morocco), after the 2023 edition in Miami, United States. Ivory Coast, the only African country invited to this meeting of food industry luminaries, was represented by the Cotton and Cashew Council, whose Director General, Dr Adama Coulibaly, led a large delegation.</p> <p>This forum allowed the CEO of the Council to present the achievements of the Cashew sector, since the 2013 reform, both in terms of production, processing and innovations in technology, agronomic research and good agricultural practices. These achievements are reflected today in the positioning of C&ocirc;te d&#39;Ivoire as the leading producer country and leading global exporter of raw cashew nuts (around 40% of the global supply), third largest processor of raw nuts and second largest supplier country. almonds, after Vietnam and India, the processing rate having reached more than 22% of national production.</p> <p>In view of these results which demonstrate the dynamism of the Cashew sector in C&ocirc;te d&#39;Ivoire, Dr Adama COULIBALY also presented the opportunities that this sector offers to investors.&nbsp;</p> <p>It is therefore in view of all this data and the progress made in the sector in terms of infrastructure and the growing number of processing units in C&ocirc;te d&#39;Ivoire, that the leadership of the Director General of the Cotton and Cotton Council Anacarde was warmly praised and recognized with a distinction (OUTSTANDING LEADERSHIP) presented during the closing dinner of the Convention, on May 5, 2024, in front of an audience of personalities from several sectors of activity and the world of the food industry.</p> <p>It should be remembered that the leaders of the Association of Foods Industries (AFI), main organizer of the Annual Convention and of Peanut and TreeNut Processors Association (PTNPA), another American agribusiness institution, were recently visiting C&ocirc;te d&#39;Ivoire, from March 27 to 29, 2024, as part of the policy to promote almonds from C&ocirc;te d&#39;Ivoire initiated by the Cotton and Cashew Council. This trip allowed the personalities of these two American institutions to discover for themselves the enormous progress made in the Ivorian cashew sector under the leadership of the Cotton and Cashew Council.</p>
